Supported Accommodation
Here at Sarinitiy we provide young people between the ages of 16 – 25 with safe secure accommodation and the support to learn to live independently in their own accommodation in the future.
When a young person arrives we spend time with them to understand the challenges they have faced and look at opportunities that are available to help them overcome those challenges and plan for their future. Our aim is not only to help them overcome issues but also to move forward and achieve their life goals
We personalise each support plan, taking into account emotional and aspirational needs and tailor each young person’s plan to meet those needs. The plans are regularly reviewed with the individual, using updates from third party organisations and individuals to ensure they continue to meet those needs. The plans remain the with Sarintiy once the young person moves into independent living, but can be requested by the young person, to refer to in the future.
At Sarinitiy Homes (SH) we provide high quality accommodation and support for young people in care. Our accommodation is welcoming with a personalized, homely environment. We provide supported accommodation for young people aged 16 to 18 with support tailored to their needs. We also provide stand-alone/semi-independent accommodation with floating support for young people aged 18+.
We are committed to providing a nurturing home environment and offer a full range of additional support services that are specific to individual needs, flexible and outcome focused. Each young person is allocated a QCF Level 3 qualified key worker who will support the young person to achieve independent life skills and guide them through the transition journey.
To be healthy: All young people are registered with the local GP, Dentist and Optician. We support young people to make and attend their own appointments. We encourage young people to be autonomous and monitor their own health needs enabling them to recognise when they require medical assistance and to learn how to manage minor ailments. We aim promote healthy living as a way of life therefore reducing the likelihood of poor health. This includes having a healthy diet, keeping active and making positive health choices.
To stay safe: Promoting the safety of our young people is our priority. Given the age of the young people placed with us we aim to work with them collaboratively and empower them to keep themselves safe as an integral part of their independence plan. We encourage open and honest dialogue by remaining non-judgmental and sensitive. We actively engage with young people and monitor their movement and behaviour, which assists us in identifying patterns of behaviour and their social network enabling us to identify any changes or concerns.
We have clear safeguarding policies in place to promote the safety and wellbeing of our service users. Staff attend regular safeguarding training including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Radicalisation. We have experience of working with young people at risk of CSE and pride ourselves on our close working relationships with social work teams and the police to reduce risks.
Each young person is allocated a qualified key worker who will guide them through their transition to independent living. The plan that is developed between the key worker and the young person will include health, education, employment and social skills. Each area will look at working with other agencies to maximise any opportunities available
An important part of our work with young people is developing their social skills to enable them to become valued and fulfilled members of their community, being able to socialise effectively is the corner stone to a young person’s confidence, and often a challenge in the first few months in supported accommodation.
To enjoy and achieve: We aim to work collaboratively with young people and their social workers to identify their skills and interests. Together we set realistic targets with a clear framework including the support necessary to keep young people motivated to achieve their goals.
The SH team works very closely with education and training providers to ensure that our young people are being supported adequately.
To make a positive contribution: Our staff team works closely with youth and community organisations to engage young people in positive activities that will support them in developing appropriate social skills and an awareness of community resources.
Young people are supported with all aspects of independence skills ranging from budgeting, cooking, maintaining good self care skills and standards of hygiene to managing personal and professional relationships, emotional and sexual health.
To achieve economic wellbeing: Young people are supported with budgeting to ensure they have a full understanding of their income and expenditure. We work with young people to ensure that they prioritise their essential living costs and promote the idea of saving.
We aim to support young people to make smart money choices ensuring that they are getting value for their money. Our direct work sessions include discussions around managing credit and bank accounts as we have observed that many young people do not have a full understanding in this regard.
Each social worker/personal adviser will be sent a monthly report and chronology that outlines the young person’s progress and areas of future development. Our staff team are trained to produce high quality, comprehensive and detailed reports that reflect the service we provide in achieving the 5 outcomes.